The Art of the Scandal: Thefts, Vandals, and Forgeries Art Talk and Discussion

Wednesday, April 212:00—3:00 PMVirtual - LiveIpswich Public Library25 North Main Street, 25 North Main Street, Ipswich, MA, 01938

The Art of the Scandal: Thefts, Vandals and Forgeries

This program explores some of the most brazen criminal acts in the art world and features works by artists including da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rembrandt. Learn more about works that were targeted and how they were recovered and restored for our enjoyment today.

About the presenter:

Jane Oneail curates and delivers art appreciation programs to audiences throughout New England. Jane holds a master’s in Art History from Boston University and a
master’s in Education from Harvard University. A New Hampshire native, she has
worked at some of the state's most esteemed cultural institutions, including the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, where she served as Executive Director, and the Currier Museum of Art, where she held the role of Senior Educator. Jane has also taught at the college level for more than a decade, most recently at Southern New Hampshire 

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